March 11, 2006

Saying Fuddle Duddle to Censorship

Dear readers,

It is with great disappointment that I learned that the Young Liberals of Canada (Quebec) wish to put the great adventure that is Fuddle Duddle on hold.

As an important political forum in Québec’s virtual landscape, FD let the apprentice politicians express ourselves, to comment and debate about contentious issues. In the last few months, we have provided to our readers information and opinions which, without being of journalistic quality, came directly from inside a party which does not let too much information filter out. From Antonio’s acidic critiques to Denise’s hilarious editorials, we have said fuddle duddle to the party line and wrote frank texts which escaped the spin doctors, director of communications and other image makers who usually control the modern political discourse.

And it seems that the experiment succeeded. While we stare out at general apathy among youth towards politics, more than 5800 people visited Fuddle Duddle last month.

So why remove Fuddle Duddle? When money could not buy Antonio’s respect, some tried intimidation. When that failed, they turned to censorship. Did the truth hurt? Did some criticism hit a nerve?

I will end this with one of Voltaire’s quotes: It’s the nature of brutal censorship to empower the opinions it attacks. And by telling you that Fuddle Duddle is here to stay.


Disons Fuddle Duddle à la censure

Chers lecteurs,

C’est avec déception que j’apprenais aujourd’hui que le Conseil exécutif des Jeunes Libéraux du Canada (Québec) souhaite mettre une pause à cette belle aventure qu’était le blogue Fuddle Duddle.

Un espace d’expression politique important dans le paysage virtuel québécois, Fuddle Duddle permet aux apprentis politiciens que nous sommes de nous exprimer, de commenter et de débattre sur des sujets politiques de l’heure. Au cours des derniers mois, nous avons fourni à nos lecteurs des informations et des opinions qui, sans être de qualité journalistique, provenaient directement de l’intérieur d’un parti qui laisse peu filtrer l’information. Des critiques acides d’Antonio aux éditos hilarants de Denise, nous avons dit fuddle duddle à la langue de bois et avons présenté des textes francs échappant aux spin doctors, directeurs des communications et autres faiseurs d’image qui contrôlent habituellement le discours politique moderne.

Et il semble que l’expérience ait bien réussie. Alors que l’on parle d’un désintérêt généralisé des jeunes pour la chose publique, le nombre de consultations de Fuddle Duddle augmente sans cesse et atteignait même plus de 5800 visites le mois dernier.

Alors pourquoi vouloir retirer Fuddle Duddle? Alors que l’argent n’a pu acheter le respect d’Antonio, on a utilisé l’intimidation. Maintenant que rien n’y fait, c’est la censure. Se pourrait-il que la franchise soit allée trop loin? Que des critiques aient fait trop mal?

Je terminerai sur une citation de Voltaire : C'est le propre de la censure violente d'accréditer les opinions qu'elle attaque. Et en vous disant que Fuddle Duddle restera.


32 Commentaires:

Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

There are few things Belinda Stronach can't buy. For everything else, there's censorship.

3/11/2006 5:19 a.m.  
Blogger S.K. a dit...

They certainly don't know much about the net if they think they can shut you down without a court order. Even then you just have to change your web name. Good for you to stand up to them. They are dinosaurs if they think the web isn't the most effective way to communicate ideas and discussion through the membership.

The Liberal Party website in Ontario doesn't even work when you try to become a member. It shad an internal error for weeks and there are no contact e-mail. No contacts for the ANtional executive either by the way. They should all have their own blogs and contacts.

Good for you to say thanks but no thanks to their oressure.

3/11/2006 10:57 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Don't shut down. We need different opinions.

Also, letting everyone know that the Draft Kennedy website is up in French and English.

Check it out at:

3/11/2006 11:42 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Noooooo! Stay! We need this now more than ever!

3/11/2006 1:48 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...


3/11/2006 2:00 p.m.  
Blogger Alex Plante a dit...

Good for you anon 2:00 ! Fuddle Duddle is not going down !

3/11/2006 2:14 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Richard Diamond is clearly behind the censorship of Fuddle Duddle.

He fears that Antonio does not take his draft movement as a serious political force in the nation.

3/11/2006 3:39 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

This site is a terrible disgrace, Antonio's little place to disparage people.

Awful way for Liberals to act.

Why not find something else to do rather than attack other people with innuendo and lies.

Shame on Antonio and Marc.

3/11/2006 4:45 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...


Gerarad Kennedy has no place in Quebec.

He has been an MPP for years and has never bothered to have any interacyion with Quebecers and now he wants to be the National Leader?!


Show a little interest and concern over a few years and then perhaps we'll take some notice.

Belinda, Brison, Iggy, Rae, Dryden (all non-Quebecers) have been here countless times talking to Liberals or just absorbing the Quebec experience. Its not all about speaking French, its also about understanding what makes Quebec tick.

Kennedey has done nothing to try and comprehend Quebec. Check his speeces - absolutely no reference. Do an Access to Information on his travel to Quebec as a Minister - zip!!!

Stand for election as an MP, do your homework Gerard and maybe then....

3/11/2006 4:50 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Maybe it was all the drugs from last night, but I can't understand this blog...

The association between FD and YLCQ is being severed or is FD going down all together? Is this temporary? This is the YLCQ's decision (the executive that is...)?

And what's this about a court order? Who is doing the censorship????


3/11/2006 4:52 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

I'm pretty happy that Kennedy has not been travaling to Quebec as an MPP and the minister of education for Ontario since that would mean he was not too busy doing the job he was elected to do.

I kinda like the fact that Kenedy has not been working towards becoming Liberal leader with every fiber of his being like certian other loser Liberals. If he does choose to run than that is the time to travel to Quebec and understand the issues that concern Liberals in Quebec.

3/11/2006 5:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Please note that the Fuddle Duddle ins't shutting down..the Young liberals have decided to dissociated themselves from it since the content of it since it didn't represent the opinion of all the Young Liberals..
So stop with the drama...get your facts right!

3/11/2006 5:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

The vote at the meeting was to take ownership of the blog, which did not belong to them, and shut its editors out from posting until the end of the leadership...

A proposal just to disassociate was proposed by Antonio and shot down. Those are the facts.

3/11/2006 6:04 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

This whole situation is ridiculous. More discussion is going on concerning the stupid issue of whether to associate with Fuddle Duddle or not, and everyone is forgetting about the leadership race. On another point, since when does offering constructive criticism merit such extreme action? It's called democracy, deal with it. If you don't like it, move to China.

Liberal Party Member

3/11/2006 6:19 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

This whole situation is ridiculous. More discussion is going on concerning the stupid issue of whether to associate with Fuddle Duddle or not, and everyone is forgetting about the leadership race. On another point, since when does offering constructive criticism merit such extreme action? It's called democracy, deal with it. If you don't like it, move to China.

Liberal Party Member

3/11/2006 6:19 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

This whole situation is ridiculous. More discussion is going on concerning the stupid issue of whether to associate with Fuddle Duddle or not, and everyone is forgetting about the leadership race. On another point, since when does offering constructive criticism merit such extreme action? It's called democracy, deal with it. If you don't like it, move to China.

Liberal Party Member

3/11/2006 6:19 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

This whole situation is ridiculous. More discussion is going on concerning the stupid issue of whether to associate with Fuddle Duddle or not, and everyone is forgetting about the leadership race. On another point, since when does offering constructive criticism merit such extreme action? It's called democracy, deal with it. If you don't like it, move to China.

Liberal Party Member

3/11/2006 6:19 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Good job, kids. Air some more dirty laundry in public. I'm not sure what it is about the Liberal Party that breeds inane, cretinous infighting, from the university club level on up; maybe everyone likes to think they're a whole lot more important than they actually are.

If this thing wasn't mainly a soapbox for Antonio bore and insult, I'd be sad that it was losing its ties to the JLCQ. But really, it was a bad idea to tie it to the JLCQ to begin with. I've been predicting that they'd try to shut this thing down since before the Belinda post (which I agreed with, but, whatever), and that was the nail in the coffin. Guess why!

3/11/2006 6:21 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

I personally am in favour of an all-positive leadership race and have stated that fact; but I also think that the statements made by the Fuddle-Duddle editors were their honest self-expression as concerned Liberals - opinions which they signed and took responsibility for, unlike most of the whispering critics of different campaigns. And since they happened to be critical of members of their own executive just prior to the executive trying to shut them down, it just really doesn't look good.

If someone set out to make Liberal organizations appear intolerant of different viewpoints and prone to the autocratic politics of personality, they couldn't do much better than this. My best wishes and good luck with continued blogging to Antonio, Marc et al.

NB: We have a lot of brave and intellectually consistent "Anonymous" types here who seem to see no contradiction in tearing down Liberals for the alleged crime of tearing down Liberals. Grow a spine and sign your names.

3/11/2006 7:12 p.m.  
Blogger Daniel Laprès a dit...

Cette censure est une parfaite recette pour discréditer une fois pour toutes le PLC au Québec. C'est carrément inacceptable et anti-libéral. Mme Stronach risque fort d'en payer les conséquences, car ce sont ses organisateurs, avides de pouvoir mais qui ont conduit le parti au désastre, qui en sont les premiers responsables. Tant de magouilles dignes de Duplessis a de quoi écoeurer, et les indépendantistes auraient de bonnes raisons de s'en réjouir. Mais de cela, les censeurs s'en foutent éperduement, en autant qu'ils peuvent continuer à jouer les roitelets bien payés...

3/11/2006 7:55 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Anonymous at 4:50pm,

Your hostile attack on Kennedy is over the top and does not represent Quebecers.

As Manitoba Liberal stated, Kennedy is the Minister of Education of Ontario and making speeches about Quebec is not part of that job. The people of Ontario expect him to do his job.

The MPs you mention are not running a provincial ministry right now and have the freedom to travel to Quebec and across Canada to make speeches and meet with Federal Liberals. Contrary to your inaccurate attack, Kennedy has been to Quebec many times as an MPP and as Director of the Canadian Association of Food Banks.

Let's hear what Kennedy has to say about Quebec before you make a speech for him. He has never said Quebec is just about speaking French. That is ridiculous.

All of the candidates have a place in Quebec. I encourage all Liberals to consider all of the candidates, including an excellent candidate like Kennedy. Check out and the other sites too.

I look forward to seeing Kennedy in Quebec.

3/11/2006 8:44 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

euh, btw, fuddle-duddle n'est pas un blog important dans le paysage bloguistique québécois... premièrement, ce n'est pas vraiment un blog québécois: il traite de sujets très canadiens, la grande majorité du temps en anglais... et deuxièmement, ce n'est pas un blog important, au sens où il n'a pas énormément de "street cred", même s'il est divertissant.

même si je suis un filthy separatist (pas comme benoît pelletier, je suis un vrai separatist -- tribal, arriéré et dirty), j'aime bien antonio, je trouve ses entrées sympathiques et elles me font rire. alex plante aussi, même s'il est un peu pédant parfois, mais ça fait partie du personnage j'imagine. denise par contre, j'ai de la difficulté.

mais bref, ne vous censurez pas, ça serait trop con. surtout pour quelqu'un qui n'en vaut pas vraiment la peine, soit belinda. qu'est-ce qu'elle a accompli à part être née la fille de frank stronach?

3/11/2006 9:32 p.m.  
Blogger Alex Plante a dit...

Cher "filthy separatist" anonyme,

Il me fait plaisir que tu apprécies mes interventions. Peut-être un jour verras-tu la lumière au bout de ce long tunnel qu'est le nationalisme ? C'est en continuant à t'abreuver à nos paroles que tu pourras grandir.

C'est un peu pédant comme réplique non ?

Comme dirait ma cousine séparatiste dirait : "Les goûts ne sont pas à discuter, mais les tiens à améliorer !"

Bonne journée,


3/12/2006 1:47 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Will Densie still post here?

She's the best reason to keep coming here.

3/12/2006 12:40 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

I'm left a little baffled by the notion of a seperatism that is ironic about its own retrograde character in our postnational world. Melancholy thought that he/she persists nevertheless.

3/12/2006 3:26 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...


My irony is directed towards the very idea of a "postnational" world and towards the inaccurate English Canadian perception of my nationalism.

It's very easy to claim that the world has become "postnational" when you have a state that acknowledges your nation and represents it. The state I live in doesn't, so there I am, in a so-called "postnational" world, without a state, "politically naked", sort of.

3/12/2006 4:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

I was thinking, after I posted, that you might feel that way; that's a valid point. On the other hand, I think our aspirations should be post-national, don't you?

The reality, especially outside of the political classes, may not be postnational, but as a country we are moving in the right direction.

As generations of children learn that the patriotes are a part of their democratic heritage, and slightly more interested students learn who was right and wrong in the great episodes of linguistic antagonism in our history - the patriotes, the manitoba schools question, the automatists, the quiet revolution - how can we move backwards?

If the progressive parts of sovereigntism were in alliance with the progressive parties elsewhere in the country, Quebec would be the beating heart of this country in the future; a heart that Canada quite frankly needs given the other forces and political strains we face.

That doesn't mean that bilingualism would become a functional reality for 30 million or that people in Moosejaw would read Le Devoir, but noone promised utopia.

NB: I appreciate the irony of this dialogue being in English. I don't think I'd make my points as well, but that's my problem; I'd feel a bit less silly if you continued in French.

3/12/2006 6:46 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

The third voice;
Being comfortable partially naked is a virtue that many are not at home with.
I'm not sure that we all need a state to call our own. I for one am an Anglophone Montrealer by birth and live in an reality of being in a minority within a minority. Regarding this question of "postnational" reality I would argue that I live in a country that recognizes me due to the loose definition of recognition that we enjoy, but in a province that were it a state might not be as inclusive. The notion of identity based on a homogeneous state is out dated, case and point the turmoil felt in Europe at the moment.
I'd like to think Canada a more progressive society. That despite the fractures in our ethno-linguistic divides, we recognize that we have a mutual set of values for humanity, and we have greater potential together than in distinctly divided regional sand-boxes. Be it exercising economic potential in an increasingly global world or (usually) at international hockey, we are better of as one country.


3/12/2006 7:18 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...


Since you're bilingual, this next comment won't apply to you, but I will make it regardless: I think it is rather amusing that unilingual English Canadians are the ones who invoke postnationalism to dismiss Québec's aspirations to nationhood. It's very easy to have claims to universal cosmopolitanism when your language is spoken or understood in virtually every country.

Québec's nationalism is not based on "blood" or some ethnic notion of what a nation is; it's based upon culture and language. It's about making sure the French-speakers of North America have a state they can call their own, because the postnational world you evoke with such enthusiasm isn't quite the norm yet. The nation is still the vital space of the liberal democratic state, whether we like it or not.

As for continuing this dialogue in French, I don't really care. I'm used to unilateral bilingualism. You know, I currently live in Quebec City, I was born and raised in Montréal, I spent a year at the University of Toronto, I'm going for graduate studies at UBC next year -- I'm used to being at a discussion table where there's, say, 8 francophones and 2 anglophones and where the discussions have to take place in English. That's my view of bilingualism. And of course, I'm against it. You know, you mentioned the Manitoba schools question and the patriotes... To me, for a Quebecer to be a federalist would be a terrible disregard for history and a sheer lack of a historical conscience. But that's me -- I have a very good memory. Une mémoire d'éléphant, as we say in French.

alex (which is my real name)

3/12/2006 7:55 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Oh, Jason, here's a good analogy... Québec nationalism is more Catalan than Serbian, if you're familiar with European matters.


3/12/2006 7:59 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...


We probably ought to discuss this elsewhere as this is a fairly significant comment thread on a different subject.

In brief; a point well taken on the matter of anglophones having an easy time being "postnational" in an English speaking world, and vice-versa for a lingsuitic-cultural minority. Yet, does this mean that the post-national aspiration is an unworthy one? I think nationalism - however defined - can turn history into a prison instead of an inheiritance.

Anyway, as I said, drop me an email if you like, it's an interesting subject to me but a bit tangential to this post.

3/13/2006 12:04 a.m.  
Blogger Sherlock a dit...

And they dare call themselves Liberals...

3/13/2006 1:10 a.m.  

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