November 14, 2006

Will Tories Really Care Who Ben Mulroney Supports?


16 Commentaires:

Blogger Dan McKenzie a dit...

Please don't make this comparison. You'll come out of this looking like David Peterson.

11/14/2006 9:56 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

People will actually care. Look at the media coverage this has gotten plus how much it it seems to have pissed you off.

Yeah, people care. You did.

11/14/2006 10:09 a.m.  
Blogger Sinestra a dit...

The CPC don't deserve the term 'Tory'. Let's not dignify them that way.

11/14/2006 11:20 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

People will care a bit (I think). Whether or not they should is another question. Either way I'm happy to see he likes my candidate and isn't a big fan of yours. Has Ben Mulroney ever even mused about anything political?

11/14/2006 12:20 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

Ben Mulroney is already an Ambassador.

How am I attacking Justin Trudeau? How is this a personal attack?

I have answered the tough questions. But that does not stop you guys from continuing your character assissination.

11/14/2006 12:44 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

An ambassador? An ambassador to whom? CTV?

11/14/2006 12:56 p.m.  
Blogger Dan McKenzie a dit...

Ambassador to UNICEF or something Kyle. But Ben Mulroney really doesn't hold a candle to Justin Trudeau.

And just a random hypothetical.

Kennedy with Quebec lieutenants Dion and Trudeau.


Ignatieff with Quebec lieutenant Coderre.

11/14/2006 1:26 p.m.  
Blogger Gavin Magrath a dit...

Yes, please, Ambassador to whom?


11/14/2006 3:28 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

I have said nothing negative about Justin Trudeau.

Justin is a great public speaker. He was off on nationalism, only because he failed to distinguish the difference between civic and ethnic nationalism. Even Pierre knew the difference.

I am surprised at the lack of respect for Ben Mulroney, Ambassador to Unicef, yes, its true.

Justin is an intelligent guy, not as much as his brother, whose work, while intriguing, is brilliant nonetheless.

Lieutenant Justin Trudeau though? Let me grab an advil, or two, or six.

11/15/2006 12:54 a.m.  
Blogger Alex Plante a dit...

Kennedy as leader and Dion as Leutenant. Are we aiming for more than five seats in Quebec ???

Denis Coderre is far more popular than Dion who couldn't finish first among die-hard federalists in Quebec at super week-end.

Dan McKenzie is obviously not in Quebec.

11/15/2006 1:24 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Five more seats in Quebec would be more than Denis Coderre acheived in Quebec in the last election as Quebec Lieutenant Alex.

To be honest, you saying Coderre/Iggy could get 20 more seats in Quebec (a guess at your projection) is like saying Kennedy could get 5 seats in Alberta. It ain't gonna happen.

What matters for forming a government is the swing seats in Ontario.

We liberals just aren't going to find our electoral Xanadu in Quebec for awhile now.

11/15/2006 2:24 a.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

Bloc totals were almost as low last election as they were in 2000. The only fdifference is the Tories didn't have a you can add the totals together in some places.

Unite the right benefitted the Bloc almost as much as it benefittedthe Tories

11/15/2006 8:25 a.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...


Coderre was cleared in the report. Can we stop smearing people in our own party? People are getting desperate in this race. As a party, we put our faith in what Judge Gomery found, and in the case of Coderre, he cleared him.

As for Mr. uhm Senator Burnett, I will set up a meeting for you and Mr. Coderre and you can tell him all that to his face.

11/15/2006 12:20 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

oh and it wasnt Coderre who stayed in the summer residence, but Don Boudria, who is Dion's national campaign chair. Well oops, we all make mistakes John.

11/15/2006 12:22 p.m.  
Blogger DivaRachel a dit...

Ben Friggin' Mulroney and his fat chin can go to hell!!!!!

11/15/2006 4:44 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

John? No response about Don Boudria eh? I figured. Typical dodge from Westmount Liberal.

Nothing Ignatieff has said wants to entrench ethnic nationalism. All the guy has wriiten about for years is championing civic nationalism. It is one of the main reasons I am supporting him.

11/16/2006 8:31 a.m.  

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