November 15, 2006

I Think my (edit: Former) Boss Should Win

So Hugh Segal, (edit:former) President of the IRPP, thinks Bob Rae, who is on the IRPP’s Board of Directors (and was at the time segal was President), will be the best person to win the Liberal Leadership.



5 Commentaires:

Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

hahah... thats what I thought when a memo was "leaked" claiming that the Tories though Michael Ignatieff was their worst nightmare.

Ignatieff and Rae may appear in polls at this time as the most electable; but after an election cycle of Iggy-gaffe's and other parties reminiscing about Rae days? I think I'll take my chances with Kennedy (or Dion).

11/15/2006 2:35 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

Of course I support the Clarity Act, what kind of a question is that.

The borders of the Quebec nation, (to me) are the present borders of Quebec. Although that is not what they started with, I believe it is safe to say that is where the most people who identify to the nation, live. It makes logical sense.

Anna Yanuk, if that is your real name, this has gone on far enough, I am contacting a lawyer to send a mise en demeure.

11/16/2006 12:46 a.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

Thank you Phil for being reasonable.

yes, I should have said my former boss. I'll change it.

This is not a vile character attack however. But you are a lawyer phil. Is "you're actions slander the liberal party reputation." defamation?

11/16/2006 8:28 a.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

Anna Yanuk has removed her comment...shucks...Where is the apology that comes with it?

You have done yourself a great disservice

11/16/2006 8:56 a.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

i am in the middle of several term papers, I will give a more flushed out response this weekend

but, in the eventuality of secession, present borders would be used.

I could say it will never happen...but that would be a copout.

Nations dont have borders necessarily and anybody can choose to identify which nation they belong to. However, to say the nation does not exist because it does not have concrete borders is...well..dismissing a much more important premise

patience guys.

11/16/2006 3:17 p.m.  

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