July 24, 2007

Oi Vey – Am I having Flashbacks?

It is summer in Montreal.

The sun is out.

The festivals are under way.

Liberals’ comments on Israel are being taken out of context.

So it seems the B’nai Brith needed to earn their paycheques and decided the target “du jour” would be Liberal candidate Jocelyn Coulon, who stated, correctly I may add, that isolating Hamas would lead to bad things happening.

People forget that although they are a terrorist organization, Hamas was democratically elected, and efforts by the West to isolate the Palestinian Authority would only lead the Palestinian people to distrust the West even more. Mr Coulon pointed out that withdrawing our support from the Palestinian authority would damage Canada’s position as a broker of peace.

Mr. Coulon’s view is also the mainstream view in Quebec. While we remain a strong ally to Israel, disrespecting the democratic will of the Palestinian people would not help achieve a solution. Efforts should be placed on breaking the hold Hamas has on the Palestinian society through the social safety net it provides.

Not many outside the Jewish community in Montreal (and even not too many within it) take the B’nai Brith seriously anyway. They are a group of lobbyists who have a vested interest and need to earn their paycheques. What is really sad about their over-reaction to everything is it takes away from the serious racial incidents that occur like the firebombing of the Talmud Torah school.

It is their job to cry wolf. I am surprised it took them this long to actually do it.

On a side note, I do find it entertaining that some Liberals are surprised that an academic’s comments can be taken out of context for political gain. I was awaiting Scott Brison’s press conference but I guess it is a reflex by now.

The mock outrage is rather funny though. Some people have such short memories…


9 Commentaires:

Blogger Fred a dit...

Salut Antonio!

Heureux de revoir sur le net! Cependant, je suis déçu de constater que la langue de molière est disparue de ce blogue. Un blogue intitulé "Fuddle Duddle", un hommage à Pierre Elliott-Trudeau, le père du bilinguisme canadien, qui n'est pas bilingue!?!?!? C'est un peu curieux. Je me souviens aussi que tu as beaucoup critiqué dans le passé la députée libérale Belinda Stronach parce qu'elle n'était pas bilingue, mais aujourd'hui tu sembles avoir perdu cette sensibilité... Je te croyais francophile, mais il semble bien que je me sois trompé.

En espérant que tu offriras dans le futur à Pierre Elliott-Trudeau un hommage digne de son legs au Canada... bilingue.


7/24/2007 9:39 a.m.  
Blogger DivaRachel a dit...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7/24/2007 9:51 a.m.  
Blogger DivaRachel a dit...

Coudon! Es-tu un "mangeur de hot dog"?

Arrete donc de chialer! Antonio peut écrire ce qu'il veut: c'est SON blogue à lui!

7/24/2007 9:52 a.m.  
Blogger Fred a dit...


Je ne chiale pas. Je trouve seulement cela dommage qu'Antonio ne puisse plus rejoindre un public aussi large qu'auparavant. Je croix aussi qu'il est parfois apportun de mettre les gens devant leurs propres contradictions...

Pour ce qui est du "Mangeur de hot-dog", ne t'en fait pas, je n'en suis pas un. Tu auras certainement remarqué que je suis un fan de Pierre Elliott-Trudeau, donc je ne suis pas un de ceux qui refusaient d'adhérer à sa vision et qu'il traitait de "mangeux de hot-dog".


7/24/2007 10:07 a.m.  
Blogger KC a dit...

I see the point that there maybe arguments in favour of Coulon's position, and the B'nai Brith seems to be overreacting (if this is all Coulon has said). However I still think hes wrong. The fact that some other demos made the decision to elect who they choose doesn't mean we are obliged to continue giving them financial support. Disrespect for democracy would be sending the CFs into Gaza and the West Bank because the Palestinians elected Hamas. Cutting off money is totally different. That is our right as democracy. I dont think Canada should be sending money to terrorists regardless of the "message" that might send.

7/24/2007 11:16 a.m.  
Blogger Jason Cherniak a dit...

As much as Coulon deserves a chance, comments like yours about how Hamas was "elected" and thus legitimate do not make me feel more confident. Quite the opposite, it displays naiivete, bad foreign policy and failure to understand the concept of the rule of law.

If a democratically elected government goes around threatening its neighbours with suicide bombers, then that government does not deserve any international support.

7/24/2007 12:33 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...


la beauté du bilinguisme est que ca donne la chance a chaque Canadien de CHOISIR la langue dans laquelle il/elle veut communiquer.

You missed the intent of Trudeau's actions Fred. I guess attacking me was much easier...

As for what Jason said, I think anyone should be careful when they put "elected" in quotations.

The only way peace will happen is if both sides agree to stop fighting. That is the interest in keeping a dialogue open. Agree or disagree Jason. This does not mean he needs to resign as the candidate.

7/24/2007 2:03 p.m.  
Blogger Fred a dit...


Là n'est pas le point, car je suis d'accord avec toi. La philosophie de Trudeau était basée sur les libertés individuelles et c'est pourquoi il a opté pour le bilinguisme individuel plutôt que collectif comme le souhaitait André Laurendeau. Le point, c'est qu'autrefois, tu écrivais dans les deux langues et que tu critiquais, ou plutôt attaquais comme tu le dis, ceux qui ne le faisait pas, dotn Mme Stronach. Parce que c'était plus facile comme tu le dis encore? C'est tout simplement bizarre, d'autant plus que tu écris bien français.

Mais comme tu le dis, c'est ta décision. C'est seulement curieux, mais surtout dommage.


7/24/2007 3:16 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

la difference entre moi et madame stronach est que je ne pretendais pas vouloir etre premier ministre du Canada sans savoir communiquer avec le quart des Canadiens.

7/24/2007 3:30 p.m.  

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