January 30, 2006

Let's Be Frank

I got flack for my previous post saying the JLCQ would oppose someone against our values then pointing out certain positions which seemed to be landmines for Frank McKenna. I won’t lie. I dislike Frank McKenna. I am happy he is not running.

This is shaping up to be a real leadership race, one about ideas and liberal values, which frankly, McKenna did not possess. CalgaryGrit is surprised. I am not. Frank just realized that the party bought a leader last time who was anti-SSM, anti-Kyoto, Pro-Iraq, Pro-BMD without flinching, and no amount of organizational skills was gonna make the Liberal party make the same mistake twice.

5 Commentaires:

Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

And his French was lousy, to say the least. It's certainly a good thing he's not running.

I'd like to read your take on Ignatieff.

1/30/2006 10:51 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

I have had the chance to read much of Ignatieff's material while a student at Concordia University.

His main expertise while a war correspondent for the BBC during Bosnia and other conflicts is ethnic nationalism.

I can see where people make the Trudeau comparison. Ignatieff is not a big ethnic nationalism fan. He thinks people are people and deserve to be treated equally, how liberal!

I won't tell people to read all of it. But I will say, he does have a lack of political correctness, which, for those who don't know me, is a plus.

It will be up to Michael if he runs to define himself. However, i encourage all those actively interested to pick up Blood and Belonging if you want to read about nationalism, or the lesser evil, if you want some context into the torture comments that were twisted.

Does he have a place in this race? Definitely! I hope he runs. he will add lots to the debate, the debate now seemingly thrown open with the departure of Frank McKenna

1/31/2006 12:11 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Mckenna out.... one Iraq war supporter down. Ignatieff next to go!!!!! We need someone who puts CANADA's values first!!! Paul Martin was right when he said America is our neighbour, not our nation. Ignattief and Mckenna just don't get it!

2/04/2006 2:19 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Ignatieff's book The Rights Revolution is a really good one on in the Canadian context. Its about the historical and ongoing revolution of rights in Canada, a country which has been one of the most progressive legal societies in history.


2/09/2006 11:50 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

I know that the YLCQ was going to work on consensus for deciding who to support in the leadership. Antonio, I remember you singing Brigitte's praises about how she is not going to move unilaterally. So is it safe to assume that you guys are all supporting Belinda now?

2/28/2006 11:31 a.m.  

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