April 25, 2006

Pandemonium hits Montreal

Walking downtown this morning, I could feel it. The city is alive, the common pulse beating to the tune of the Bleu-Blanc-Rouge. Montreal is and always will be the best city in Canada. The multiculturalism, the natural beauty, and the reputation of the city to throw one hell of a party make Montreal what it is: the place to be in Canada.

However, nothing beats playoff time. There is a current of electricity, a result of the buzz surrounding Hurricane Newf’s Double OT goal. Even for those who don’t like hockey like my co-bloggers here at FD, hockey is on everybody’s mind. (Seriously Marc, who leaves the bar IN OVERTIME) Tomorrow will be even more intense as Hurricane Carolina, now downgraded to Tropical Storm Carolina rolls into town.

9 Commentaires:

Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Stop being so parochial. Montreal isn't the best city in Quebec, let alone Canada.


4/25/2006 1:08 p.m.  
Blogger James Bowie a dit...

Red White Black = Senators.


4/25/2006 5:34 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Montreal is the best city in Quebec and Canada, point final.

HABS all the way. Sorry TO, no chance this year... maybe next decade.

4/25/2006 11:07 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

The Montréal Canadiens have probably done more for national unity in Québec than any political party, uniting federalists and separatists under a common cause.

Alex Kovalev for PM! (OK, he's not a Canadian citizen, but who cares?)

4/26/2006 10:35 a.m.  
Blogger andrewridgeley a dit...

Alex Kovalev has spent more time living and dwelling in modern Canada than some leadership candidates. I'm behind you all the way. Can we get a website going?

4/26/2006 4:23 p.m.  
Blogger Mark a dit...

Elie - I think you're right. But since Kovavlev has to play, and the race is already started, maybe we could find a former Montreal Canadien to run. Someone who knows a thing or two about winning.

Just a thought.

4/26/2006 4:27 p.m.  
Blogger Christopher Young a dit...

Anyone saying that Montreal is the greatest city in Canada never spend some time in Trois-Pistoles, the greatest of all. Hell, the Tragically Hip named one of their songs after it, find more canadian than that! Plus, the Cantine D'Amour has the best poutine in the entire province, trust an expert.

4/26/2006 4:42 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Too bad Ignatieff doesn't like hockey. He likes to watch more intellgent games like polo or bridge.

He has the common touch for sure!

4/26/2006 10:11 p.m.  
Blogger andrewridgeley a dit...

Iggy's actually a baseball and beer guy, in his defense. More than anything, I just want a Prime Minister who will say 'In Russia, car drives you!' in response to all questions to do with the Transport portfolio.

Also, this is totally unrelated, but did no one pick up on the fact that Diane Finley was wearing sunglasses in QP yesterday? I was waiting the whole time for her to stand up and do 'Georgia on My Mind.'

4/26/2006 10:54 p.m.  

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