September 23, 2006

Call Him Kim

Bob Rae has entrenched his view that ideas are not important. You aren’t voting for an agenda, you’re voting for a leader…well I guess he forgot to tell Ontarians that in 1990.

But in all seriousness…here is the quote.

“In an era when just about every politician with ambition boasts of a vision, a blueprint for transformative change, a new way of doing politics, Rae dismisses all that as unimportant. "It's not a campaign about ideas," he told Maclean's. "You're electing a leader, you're not electing an agenda." [...]

If that sounds vaguely familiar, here is a Kim Campbell Refresher

"an election is no time to discuss serious issues"

we are assuming she wanted to discuss the serious issues at another time. Maybe Bob expects the entire Liberal Party to bend over and take it before we actually see where he will take this party.

Does Bob rae seriously think he is entitled to lead the party simply because of who he is instead of what he stands for? There is no misquote this time, he said the same thing twice now.

“Yet he's remarkably blunt in declaring that all this is really beside the real point. Choosing a leader isn't about ideas, he declares, as much as finding "a person you're comfortable with."

So Bob believes that the entire party will be comfortable with a guy who just left another party and joined ours just when the job was open. He expects us to just give him the job, not because of what he stands for, but because of who he is. He expects to try and lead a country after his only previous experience was the Province of Ontario from 1990-1995.

In Quebec, we just saw a leadership race end where everyone chose the guy with no policy simply because of who he was and not who he stood for, Andre Boisclair. Boisclair’s leadership campaign was hardly about ideas. Boisclair was a professional politician who sounded good spouting the party line. Bob Rae is going for the same style.

John Lennard was right, Bob Rae IS job ready. Except we never knew what the job really was. Bob is ready to spout the party line and smile while he does it. Bob is ready to forgo bringing any ideas or values to the table in order to improve his party’s chances. Bob is ready to take the throne his brother always wanted him to take.

If the job is to be the Manchurian candidate, Bob Rae has been job ready all along.

2 Commentaires:

Blogger Alex Plante a dit...


It worked on the first campaign to keep Harper out of forming the government in 2004. We tried to use it a second time but Harper had policy, we didn't. Rae says that this leadership is not about policy. His "issues" are just as vague as the electoral platform in 2000. One of my friends and a Bob Rae supporter, Daniel Laprès, worked on the platform in 2000 and said it was a joke and could have been written on a napkin. This doesn't work anymore since the opposition is no longer divided like in 2000 and we need policy, good policy.

If Bob Rae has so many friends in the NDP, if he wins the leadership, will he share our campaign budget with the NDP ? Will he decide not to run a Liberal candidate in places where he has personal friends running for the NDP ? Bob Rae doesn't know if he's a Grit or a Dipper. He should go back home, make up his mind.

He's being a typical dipper when he flip-flops (to go where the polls want him to be) on stuff like Quebec recognized as a nation in the constitution

For Grit Heart, if you don't like the blog, why do you read it so religiously. When I come across that annoys me and that aren't necessary for me, I try to avoid that. It makes my life much more fun. If you don't read FD anymore, neither Antonio or myself will miss your enlightening comments.


9/23/2006 7:35 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...


first of all, you guys have to separate sarcasm from the usual stuff...

I do not think Bob Rae is a robot.
like seriously COME ON people...politics is no place for sarcasm

Cant wait til December 4th

9/23/2006 9:34 p.m.  

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