October 27, 2006

Looks Like Being a Socialist Did Teach Him a Few Things

My friend Kyle points out that our dear friend Bob Rae has no problem with medical clinics selling services outside medicare. We already have private clinics in Quebec and the entire system has not collapsed. I will still get service when I need it and the delays are not too long.

No wonder Bob Rae left the NDP, could you imagine these comments uttered anywhere near Jack Layton, something would have exploded in the background somewhere.

Here is what Bob Rae said. I believe it is a perfectly legitimate position. As long as public money does not fund these people, then it does not hurt Medicare.

Still, Rae isn’t as hard-core a lefty as some.

He is not opposed to Alberta-style privatization of health-care services, for instance.“I think that if people decide they want to take responsibility for their own health-care and go to a private health clinic, that’s their business,” he said.

“I don’t think you can ban private medicine in Canada. I don’t think that’s an intelligent solution.“It’s a decision for provinces to make.

“The one thing that is clear is that the provincial government or the public sector should not be subsidizing private care.”

So much for the most left candidate. I can imagine some people scratching their heads.

6 Commentaires:

Blogger Braeden Caley a dit...

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10/27/2006 2:06 a.m.  
Blogger Braeden Caley a dit...

Call me worried.

I believe that's a two-tier health care system... yikes Bob.

10/27/2006 2:57 a.m.  
Blogger andrewridgeley a dit...

Whether they're aimed from the left or the right, you gotta love Raeconomics!

10/27/2006 3:28 a.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

i am sure some of his supporters did not know this...I am ambivalent either way cuz its all provincial jurisdiction and Bob kind of hints at that.

John Lennard did a whole Bob Rae on health care thingy and this was nowhere near it so it's not like he has been saying this all along.

the problem with quebec is many people leave after eing educated here, especially from the English universities. Less than 50 doctors have left the public system here to go into the private sector, almost all of them in Montreal.

10/27/2006 11:41 a.m.  
Blogger KC a dit...

skip, I didnt "neglect" to mention anything. I fail to see how the fact that Bob was asked a question changes anything. He still gave his normative view on people visiting private clinics. Either way, the article (as they often do) makes no mention of what question prompted his statement.

10/27/2006 1:14 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

i didnt even comment on Bob's statement and I twisting words...do you Boob supporters just have a comment on repeat?

10/27/2006 11:08 p.m.  

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