April 15, 2007

Anthony DiDomizio
Précédent / Previous
- We Should Hear Dumont Out
- For a Special Occasion, I Go into Detail
- Cherniak “Elfin Prince of Progressive Canada”
- Why Have Two Parties?
- Where Art Thou Natural Governing Party?
- Liz Thompson To The Rescue
- Half of Quebec Unqualified to Work for Federal Gov...
- Here Comes Earnscliffe-Gate!
- Harper Waiting Until he is 5 Weeks Away
- On "Betrayal" in Equalization

23 Commentaires:
Good one! Glad you are getting your humour back.
'Eat Your Heart Out, MP Iggy. Only the Leader Can do Stuff Like This'
Aww muffin jennifer.
Seems to me you're still upset...
you need to simmer down...and succumb to the PURPLE
cupcake, I'd rather be accused of drinking Dion Kool-Aid than that poison punch you've been inbibing in large drafts since December.
"I'm forming a progressive alliance with Earth, Wind and Fire - and I'll be touring with them this summer."
"I do find dee Kachh to be a little bit too tight"
Talk to my hand,I said that the environment is but one of our 5 pillars.
Leader eh, yeah right
Duceppe never did live down his funny hat
Iggy would not do such a thing, and won't when he is leader
Faite attention, I live 2 blocks from the Main street,where over 50,000 Canadians gathered together to celebrate Vaisakhi- which is celebrated as a harvest festival and marks the begining of the Sikh New Year.
The festival is a religious and cultural festival. The covering of the head is a sign of respect for the beliefs that are held when attenting a service in the temple.
Find a different photo if your sense of humour needs to be express in this way.
Interesting to note that on stage the not so new goverment did not see this event to be important to be present, I see now that Jason Kenny is to buzy in Alberta defending himself and his leader in the Income Trust Fund flip flop.
Talk to the hand, cause I think I look wonderful. Don't you love my hat? I got it at Holt's. Doesn't lt match my eyes? :D
the harper cowboy outfit was at another similar even of great cultural magnitude
the calgary stampede.
there was already a disclaimer. I asked 2 of my sikh friends if it would have been insensitive and both said no.
If you are still offended...go away
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"Leader eh, yeah right
Duceppe never did live down his funny hat
Iggy would not do such a thing, and won't when he is leader"
I'd like to see a journalist mock dion for wearing a cultural/religious item. Especially after what just happened to Imus. Would someone compare a yamaka to a cheesehat i wonder? In the MSM, Dion cant be touched by this photo.
Toronto- At a morning press conference, Liberal leader Stéphane Dion calls for an end to the 50 Cent- Game feud and urges the quarrelling rappers to accept an invitation to appear on his weekly radio show, which he co-hosts on Hot97 with Ghostface Killah.
"As my purple hued headgarment indicates, my kool aid now comes in two flavours - fanatical green and ambigious purple."
"I'm a loser."
but wca, antonio posted the golden
"nothing racist" rule, which clearly suggests he is opposed to racism and thus there cannot be anything remotely racist about his decision to post a picture of dion in ceremonial dress code with the request "be funny" ... /snark
"I'm off to the cheese factory after this to wear that sexy hair net that Gilles rocked in 97"
rcaf guy:
"Iggy would not do such a thing, and won't when he is leader"
does this mean iggy is racist, or rcaf guy is an ignorant moron...and quite likely racist bigot.
i do love when the politicos throw on the punjabi doorag. dion looks better than campbell though, still waiting for them to get down with the bhangra beats.
i don't think this post was in good taste though. as your commenters illustrate, it is mostly ignorant racist pricks who are posting on this.
on that issue, I would entertain a debate, but jumping to a conclusion that I am racist when I see a guy in a purple bandana going "talk to the hand" and chuckle a bit is a bit far fetched
Lighten up. It's sad if you're so afraid of race that you're afraid to acknowledge it. You think Chris Rock is a racist? His whole act is about making fun of the qualities and characteristics of different social, cultural, and ethnic groups.
It's called putting it past yourself and realizing that race isn't about sensitivity and tolerance and otherness, it's about accepting the idea of sameness and unity. So shut the hell up and stop complaining about something that was obviously light hearted. I swear this Cherniak-Kinsella-political correctness alliance is making the blogosphere's balls shrink faster than Stéphane Dion's credibility.
"Nanoo, nanoo"
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