February 6, 2006

A farewell note...

Dear David,

I’ve taken some time to reflect and think about things, and I want you to know that I’m no longer angry. Sure, what you did was selfish, opportunistic, and cowardly, but for the most part, I’m not going to judge you. I’m just disappointed that you lied to me.

I admit that things haven’t been perfect lately, and I noticed that the last few weeks you’ve been getting a little distant, but I didn’t think you would lie to me the way you did.

When people called me this morning to tell me that they saw you with him, I honestly didn’t believe them. “No,” I told them, “there’s no way he’s been sneaking around with Stephen behind my back. Sure, we’ve been going through some tough times, but David’s a good guy. We had a really good talk on January 23rd. He told me that he was committed and wanted to make this situation work.”

But I guess you didn’t. I guess you’re willing to throw what we had away. All the good times, all the fun, all the laughs, all the memories. Remember way back when you decided to get into politics? Remember all the hard-working volunteers who got behind you and believed in you? Remember all the early morning campaign stops, afternoon door-knocking, and late-evening meetings? Remember all the results you and Paul Martin together helped deliver for British Columbia?

But I guess that’s all history now. Yes, I feel used. And I feel lied to. And I feel bitter. But far be it from me to stand between what seems like a perfect pairing. After all, to be fair, you and Stephen have a lot in common. Both of you lied during the campaign- you about your partisan affiliation and him about his commitment to accountability. And both of you are clearly opportunistic and willing to do whatever it takes to win.

So there’s really nothing left to say except that I wish you and he a happy future together. And should you decide to get married, don’t forget which political party you can thank for that right.

Your Liberal voter

16 Commentaires:

Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

That's the first time I have to agree with a Liberal. Oy.. was I ever naive to think that only Liberals were that corrupt!

Let's be fair to women and call Emerson a "dipstick" and say he "whored himself out".

2/06/2006 7:49 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

I am a Conservative too, and I can't understand why James Moore was left out of cabinet for a backstabbing traitor. Emerson will not like the cold reception he will be getting, and hopefully he will be gone before the next election.

2/06/2006 8:13 p.m.  
Blogger James Bowie a dit...

That's a sad story Denise. It's enough to make us cry right before Valentine's Day.


2/06/2006 8:23 p.m.  
Blogger Jason Cherniak a dit...

EXCELLENT post. It is linked.

2/06/2006 8:31 p.m.  
Blogger Alex Plante a dit...

Awesome post Denise ! I guess you feel like Peter felt the day Belinda crossed the floor.

2/06/2006 9:40 p.m.  
Blogger Jeff a dit...

I know where you can get a good deal on a rental puppy for the teary media photo-op. :)

2/06/2006 9:44 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

You were dumb enough to buy into the hype?

2/06/2006 9:50 p.m.  
Blogger noone a dit...

What a wonderfully creative way to express your thoughts on this debacle.

Great post :)

2/07/2006 12:48 a.m.  
Blogger Fighting for Democracy a dit...

I was annoyed that the Conservatives welcomed Dave Emerson into the party and gave him a cabinet post. I don't agree with someone crossing the floor. Then I gave it some more thought. Politics is business. Business is about getting the best possible people for the job.

People should see that this type of behavior will always occur throughout our political history.

The fact is, "our" vision of democractic reform is alittle different than that of the Conservative party's. We are disappointed because "we" wanted people to sit as an independent or run in a by-election. This was not Stephen Harper vision as he stated during his interview with the CBC during the election. He isn't being a hyprocrite and he managed to grab an excellent MP from another party.

It is part of business, as we all know companies steal employees from other companies all the time. Time to grow up people.

I was bought, took a much better offer from a competitor. It happens all the time. Everyone knows someone who moved to another job for a better offer.

The Conservatives got a PHD in economics in Dave Emerson. He is a darn good steal of an MP and well suited for the cabinet position he got.

Belinda Stronach had nothing going for her except a vote, a vote that only got her a few months as a cabinet minister in a dying party.

As far as business deals go, the Conservatives got the best deal by far.

2/07/2006 1:04 a.m.  
Blogger Jason Hickman a dit...

Belinda and Brison have both faced their voters since "crossing the floor" and have been re-elected.

MPM: To be fair, neither Stronach nor Brison resigned to "[face] their voters" in a by-election. They waited till the next general election.

Honestly, Denise could've switched "David" to "Belinda" and she would have summarized how most Tories, me included, felt about her little jaunt across the floor - though perhaps w/o some of the Harlequin Romance language ;)

And no, that is not a defence for Emerson's conduct.

2/07/2006 2:01 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Re: Fighting for democraty
Yes it's true that people switch parties... Churchill did it twice. Trudeau ran for the NDP before becoming a liberal. There are many other examples. But immediately after an election. And switching to a party that campaigned to get rid of this kind of behaviour? To serve under the man of whom you promised, two weeks ago, to be the worst ennemy? I don't know where exactly the line between politics and indecency lies, but I do know that Mr. Emereson is well on the indecency side.

2/07/2006 5:24 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

I agree, and share your outrage - as one of the Tory Youth who was backstabbed by Belinda.

I presume that you'll now look at her in a different light.

2/07/2006 6:51 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

If you were stupid enough to work for one of Martin "liberals" and now feel burned he joined the party the best suits his and Martin's ideology than you have no one to blame but yourself.

There are about another 25 or so "Liberals" sitting in the House that would be a better fit with the Tories.

2/07/2006 9:35 p.m.  
Blogger Jason Hickman a dit...

MPM: Like I said, I'm hardly here defending the Emerson switch. I'm pointing out that while Brison & Stronach eventually faced their constituents, both waited till the next general election to do so.

was it not the Conservatives calling for, among other things, a RCMP investigation, an Ethic investigation, a resignation, a byelection, etc.?

1. I don't recall the Tories calling for the Mounties to get involved, though I freely admit I could be mistaken. Do you have a link?

2. Same with the ethics commissioner - I'm not saying such an investigation wasn't called for; I just can't remember anyone in the CPC caucus doing so. Again, if I'm wrong, please show me.

3. Resignation/by-election: Actually, the Tories tried to force a general election; once that failed, I don't think too many people wanted a by-election for Belinda S. per se, as much as they wanted to revisit the issue of a general election in the fall/winter.

Look, like I said, I'm not defending what happened this week.

Of course, it begs the question why FuddleDuddle has changed its tune on floor-crossing (check out the archives on this very site from mai 2005).

2/08/2006 2:58 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Denise, with your double standards you have kind of defined your self of some what of a dipstick.

2/09/2006 9:22 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

Although I have signed the two on-line petitions that are up and running, I fear that there will be little effect. A more effective approach is to write directly to Minister Emerson at Emerson.D@parl.gc.ca and Prime Minister Harper at pm@pm.gc.ca.

I encourage all Canadians to make your views known on this matter. Political figures know and understand that for every one person who writes a letter of complaint there are hundreds who share the same sentiments.

I think we have to continue to push on this issue as it is such a shocking subversion of democratic principles.

2/12/2006 4:11 p.m.  

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