November 20, 2006

The Only Poll that Matters is Taken December 2nd

(for the record, i have said this along, especially before super weekend)

well back then the only poll that mattered was super weekend

you get the point


5 Commentaires:

Anonymous Anonymous a dit...

The only poll that really matters is the general election, so I sure hope on December 2nd we choose a leader who can thrive in that vote...

11/20/2006 5:55 a.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

to the Rae supporters, remember that there was a poll in 1993 before the election that had Kim Campbell ahead of Jean Chretien.

Also, remember that while there are some people who might consider Bob, does not mean they will actually vote for him. That goes for everybody.

For the purposes of this race, we should be looking towards next weekend

11/20/2006 10:43 a.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

I remember these same polling firms telling us Bob Rae would be close to first after super weekend too.

sorry if im a little skeptic.

with 4500 delegates and no more than 3000 showing...the only poll respondents who matter will be giving their opinions next weekend.

11/20/2006 11:32 a.m.  
Blogger Neal Ford a dit...

If Bob rae won, I would expect celebration at Tory headquarters. they have no doubt had a crack team hard at work at the Toronto Star morgue digging up everything Bob Rae did, and who said what about him, and what he said about others during his reign of error.
A Bob rae win would cost the LPC at leat 10 seats in Ontario, and get them nowhere in Quebec.
Dion is the answer.
I'm non partisan, but would consider voting Liberal if Stephane Dion was leader. If Bob rae emerges victorious, hell would freeze over before I voted for an LPC candidate.
That said, Dion has the best growth potential amon delegates, as I could see ex officio's moving his way once their hands are no longer tied. Only a Quebec breakthrough wins back government.

11/20/2006 12:36 p.m.  
Blogger Anthony a dit...

hey anybody but iggy

ever hear the expression

birds of a feather flock together

11/20/2006 5:25 p.m.  

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