Endorsements You Do Not Want
Is it the opinion of Bob Rae that governments have no real control of their revenues?
Does he believe that there is nothing a prudent government can do to ward off a deficit?
Here is an interview Bob did with John Oakley, where unlike an independent Parliament official, Bob Rae ABSOLVES Stephen Harper for his reckless spending and tax cuts, saying there is nothing Harper or Flaherty could have done to prevent this.
"I did not bring in a deficit. The fact of the matter is, the recession caused the deficit, we did not have a tax and spend agenda, that's just nonsense. We had a situation where revenues where dropping like a stone as a result of the recession, that's what happened."
"Okay, so if we have a deficit now, at the federal level or the provincial level, is that going to be the personal fault of Mr. Harper or Mr. McGuinty? I don't think so, these are things that happen"
"If Stephen Harper and Jim Flaherty take us into deficit because of the situation or circumstances, you'd be willing to cut them a lot of slack?"
"With great respect John, they're not taking us into deficit...
"Mr. Rae, if the country runs a deficit, do you give them the benefit of the doubt?"
"It's not a matter of giving them the benefit of the doubt, the fact is there is a very serious recession on John, maybe you haven't noticed. A lot of people are going to be losing their jobs, a lot of people aren't going to be paying taxes, a lot of companies are not going to be in a position to pay taxes. That is going to have a major impact on the revenues of the country. Would I agree with everything they have done so far, in terms of how they've spent things? No, but do I hold them personally responsible for the fact that we're going to have a deficit here, and in Ontario, of course not and no reasonable person should do that"
Yes, Bob, Harper did not cause a global recession.
However, he did spend away a surplus like a drunken sailor who just got to port after 13 years at sea.
How long has it been since Bob Rae got thrown out of office in Ontario?
13 years already…
h/t Steve V
Labels: The Tories should run ads in Ontario with Bob Rae defending their fiscal record...